Your Best Defence for event contracts

Contract Reviews

a woman looking at a magnifying glass event contract reviews

Experience peace of mind with Planner Protect’s proprietary 52-point contract review. We will meticulously analyze your event contract, ensuring fairness and balance. The review will collaboratively align the contract with your best interests; providing you with the best available protections for your event finances, logistics and reputation.

  • Receive your full written report within 4-6 business days!
    • Line-by-line breakdown with recommended revisions.
    • Clear identification and explanation of high-risk clauses.
    • Recommendations of proven strategies to modify risky clauses.
    • Point-by-point list of untapped value and advantageous concessions.
  • Be guided by an industry expert with over 30 years of experience. 
  • Receive premium email and phone support until the contract is signed!
  • One-time, transparent, and all-inclusive fee
Average Savings Per Contract
$ K
Contract Review Process
Tracked Savings & Avoided Risk
$ M

Boost Your Event Contract Prowess

+ Training

a screenshot of a computer

Our educational webinars are the ultimate solution for event hosts seeking to negotiate better contracts, enhance their skills, and gain the confidence to thrive in the industry.

We offer an array of webinar topics, contextually tailored for event professionals, hosts, and in-house planning teams. We provide comprehensive learning materials and employ various adult learning techniques to ensure a lasting impact. Our customizable webinars can cover a wide range of topics, including contract best practices, risk mitigation, essential clauses, venue insights, industry trends, and much more.

Upcoming Educational Opportunities

Heather Reid (CEO & Founder)

+ Consulting

a woman standing at a desk with a laptop

Discover the secret weapon for flawless event planning! Drawing on real-world examples and personal experiences, Planner Protect Inc. CEO and Founder, Heather Reid reveals the hidden pitfalls that event organizers unknowingly stumble upon, wasting money, jeopardizing their reputation, and squandering precious resources.

With her wealth of experience in scrutinizing contracts, Heather will share insights that can revolutionize your audience’s approach to event management. Allow her to empower your audience with tangible takeaways that will not only safeguard their budgets but potentially save them thousands of dollars.

“Say goodbye to costly setbacks and hello to seamless success.”

Planner Protect Inc.